proved true in relation with the pneumatics industry, which, on the whole, is mature and not very innovative as well, though, as it is equally true that not all pneumatics companies are “static”.
“We have ambitious projects for 2022” explains Luca Pagni, CEO of Cy.Pag. SPA

“SMEs have three key needs: SKILLS, KNOWLEDGE and CAPITAL.
And it is exactly on these three aspects that we have been concentrating our forces from 2019 to this part.
In recent years we have hired new specialized figures, implemented training policies for employees, we are a solid company and we are fortunate to have at our side 7 partner banks that, thanks to our financial position, believe in our future vision projects. “
Thus began the speech held on 7 December at La Brace in la Forcola (SO) which saw the banks in the area and the management team of the Cy.Pag group. share strategies for the next few years.

PHOTO: The poster of the event.
Luca Pagni welcomed the guests starting from the strong change in culture that took place in the last 3 years, a transformation that has radically changed the company’s processes and mentality.
“Cy.Pag. until three years ago it was still an “old-fashioned” company, oriented solely to the product and its promotion. Today, however, the company responds to a management team, where the quality of the product remains the imperative aspect of the work, accompanied by another aspect that enters the scene more and more forcefully in the activities: the orientation towards the customer.
The customer orientation we aim for is aimed at guaranteeing a positive experience in all points of contact, from the phone call or email with customer care, to the delivery of the cylinder up to after-sales assistance.
The customer (but the same applies to the supplier, the external collaborator and all employees) who is interacting with Cy.Pag. must find an answer to his needs in a complete, simple and fastest way possible and have a smile when he talks to us and about us “
This transformation has created a clear distinction between the one that – to steal a term dear to the world of the web, today applied to several sectors – is called Cy.Pag. 1.0 and Cy.Pag. 2.0
Change management led to company growth from an organizational, technological and functional point of view, but resistance to change was one of the biggest barriers to overcome.
Situation common to many small and medium-sized enterprises that want to make the “qualitative leap” and well represented by this cartoon by an unknown author, which our CEO has decided to show to the public:

Many businesses, to use a phrase used by the national research institute CENSIS, are described as ‘a square wheel that does not turn’.
The world changes and companies change with them, in an increasingly complex, profound and unpredictable way. On the other hand, Darwin taught us a long time ago that it is the one who adapts best (not the strongest) who survives over time. So why, even if we know it is so hard to change?
In the text written by Luca Giustiniano and Andrea Prencipe entitled “The digital transformation of a multi-utility” (in this case ACEA operating in the energy sector), the first resistance to the digital transformation was the saying “the meters keep running”: why change until they do, as they always have?
Couldn’t the same be true of the pneumatic cylinder? a commodity that has practically no innovation since the year of its birth. The answer would be yes if the majority of companies in the sector answered, but not for Cy.Pag. and soon we will find out why.
The change has also brought with it new awareness that over time have transformed into corporate values. Today we are working hard to ensure that Cy.Pag. become a company:
– where everyone can best develop their potential
– that creates value through values
– where you should be proud to work
– curious, honest, enterprising, courageous
– where you work hard, but you know how to have fun
– that respects tradition but always seeks innovation,
– which treats its products and its people with care.
Values that everyone requires, without exception:
humility, transparency, passion, responsibility, integrity and curiosity.
Part of this transformation is also due to the entry of new talents and new, more structured business departments (such as marketing, controllers, procurement), while the entries in the sales department have tripled in the last 2 years.
Today the sales team has 10 salespeople who, thanks to their nationality of origin, are able to cover over 40 countries and speak 9 different languages.
Innovating by enhancing people to give life to new virtuous and profitable ideas backed by a solid heritage
For 2022, the great innovative challenge of Cy.Pag. it will be the application of the precepts of Industry 4.0 on some of our products.
These new technological features, such as predictive maintenance and data transmission in the cloud on the “health status” and operation of the product, will be applied both to the pneumatic cylinder and to the anti-collision system for SIS forklifts.
The market will therefore have at its disposal intelligent products capable of preventing and diagnosing downtime (as in the case of the pneumatic cylinder) and accidents between forklifts (in the case of the SIS-safety anti-collision system).
After this first speech by Luca Pagni, the microphone passes to Professor Claudio Mario Grossi, sole administrator of Cy. Pag Group and Cy. Pag. Spa’s vice-president of, which moved the topic to the management and financial point of view.
Due to Professor Grossi’s support along 2019, Cy. Pag. conveyed a successful deal with a complex corporate and concluded a financial transaction, which allowed the Pagni family to acquire all of the majority of the company’s shares, who previously belonged to ex majority-holder German partner. This paved the way for either the ambitious growth, development and innovation projects and a fully autonomous implementation of such measures, that had been the main stimulus for the acquisition of the shares.
To quote the Professor’s words: “.. together with the Pagni family, in recent years an important restructuring has been carried out starting from the head, up to the tail, passing through the belly of the company“.
2020 was also a very important year, in which all the 2020 – 2024 Strategic Business Plan initiatives were kicked off, starting with the transformation from S.r.l. a S.p.A, a prelude to other operations envisaged in the Plan, including the possible involvement of personnel in the company’s capital, as soon as the time is ripe.
Also in 2020, the consolidation of a “Rating Driven” Business Planning methodology, i.e. based on a forecast rating model (Rating Grossi® – predictive capacity of default risk equal to 91 %) which guides the governance to implement strategic choices in such a way that they guarantee the highest standing of corporate solidity, minimizing the risks of default.
The current governance, planning and control and institutional communication requirements were evaluated in a particularly flattering way by external advisors, who even judged them “compliant” with what is required to access any quotations also on foreign stock exchanges (although this is not a topic currently on the table).
Massimiliano Cantù is the CFO in Cy.Pag. and the person in charge of maintaining relations with partner banks. His speech was intended to underline the consolidation of the relationship of trust and esteem that binds us.
Sales strategies: a process integrated into the marketing plan. In Cy.Pag. one cannot be separated from the other.
With Paolo Sanna, CCO of the company in office since 2019, we enter the heart of the marketing and sales strategy.
His speech opens us up to the competitive scenario in the world of pneumatics and safety systems in intralogistics. Specifically, by analyzing the competitive landscape, the key commercial tactics that the company intends to apply to attack the market for the next year have been defined.
There are three main drivers that will guide Paolo Sanna’s work:
1. New ways of penetrating the channels and tactical strategies for territorial coverage
2. The launch of new product ranges (3 for pneumatics and 3 for SIS) planned for 2022
3. Scientific approach to Marketing

A renewed Marketing that responds tologic data driven, where it is above all the sales and market numbers that define the themes of the contents and guide advertising investments.
Today the company, in its online version, increasingly resembles a media company, where it is the technical contents that are mostly accessible for free through digital media such as e-book guides, widgets and webinars that determine its visibility and distinction from to other players in the tire market.
The complexities of production and procurement are the umpteenth threat faced by manufacturing companies, which operate in this precise historical context.
The raw materials crisis that has hit the whole world has generated much longer supply and transport times.
This crisis has severely tested several companies already tried by the Covid19 epidemic. According to what was declared by Roberto Spagnolo, Account executive of Jaggaer, a leading global company in the field of e-Procurement, this situation will last at least until 2023 with probable heavy negative repercussions that can be easily imagined on the global economic recovery.
talked about this Fabio Bongini, COO of the company since 2018,with the presentation of the growth plan for 2022-2024 from the point of view of operations, where it is expected:
– constant research and requalification of new suppliers, with an analysis of the costs of semi-finished products and raw materials purchased, as well as compliance with delivery dates
– investments in new machines
– the hiring of new staff to be employed in the production area
– a reorganization of the figures involved, with a careful analysis of the labor costs for the production of the cylinders
The President and founder of Cy.Pag. Adriano Pagni, who brought attention to how the synergy between banks and the business world can generate wealth not only for those directly involved but also for the whole territory.